A better way for complex BusesProperties

Hey all,

I’ve edited this post to show the working solution as well as the first attempt.

you may be doing something like this to construct audio processors:

     : AudioProcessor (BusesProperties()
                       .withInput  ("Input",  AudioChannelSet::stereo(), true)
                       .withOutput ("Output", AudioChannelSet::stereo(), true)

this is great for a couple inputs & ouputs, but if you have crazy complex processors, you may want to do something like this to keep things more standardized:

class TestAudioProcessorBusesProperties : public BusesProperties
    TestAudioProcessorBusesProperties() {
        withInput  ("Input",  AudioChannelSet::stereo(), true);
        withOutput ("Output", AudioChannelSet::stereo(), true);
    ~TestAudioProcessorBusesProperties() { }

Well, that doesn’t appear to work, but, you can define a simple function right inside of the class such as this:

AudioProcessor::BusesProperties TestNodeBusesProperties()
    return BusesProperties()

    .withInput("InputLeft",  AudioChannelSet::mono(), true)
    .withInput("InputRight",  AudioChannelSet::mono(), true)

    .withInput("OtherInput1",  AudioChannelSet::mono(), true)
    .withInput("OtherInput2",  AudioChannelSet::mono(), true)

    .withOutput("OutputLeft", AudioChannelSet::mono(), true)
    .withOutput("OutputRight", AudioChannelSet::mono(), true);

and then the constructor could be something like:

     : AudioProcessor (TestNodeBusesProperties())

now the constructor is all neat :blush: and you can easily jump into the buses properties to check them out

Thanks @dave96!

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Don’t you just want something like a helper function?

static AudioProcessor::BusesProperties createTestBusesProperties()
    return BusesProperties()
        .withInput  ("Input",  AudioChannelSet::stereo(), true)
        .withOutput ("Output", AudioChannelSet::stereo(), true);


     : AudioProcessor (createTestBusesProperties())

(This is untested btw)

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Dave with the blazing quick reply, you know i just went and tested the post right after writing it xP and it works fine, but yeah actually maybe a set of static functions such as this in a helper file would be a better way to go. Thanks man! love it!

for some reason i thought the busesproperties being a struct would stop it from subclassing, which i was wrong about. But, i think the static function is better anyways.

edit: you can’t actually make it a static function external to the processor because the AudioProcessor::BusesProperties class is a protected member of AudioProcessor. I’m updating the post

After hitting a pain point with this again…

I do feel that the busesproperties shouldn’t be protected members so they could be defined externally without having to do strange stuff like subclass from the AudioProcessor class

Take it a step further, bus configurations in configuration files (along with parameters), something like TOML/JSON/YAML, parse it for code generation in a CMakeLists.txt file.

Wouldn’t this be great?

# plugin-config.toml 
inputs  = ["mono", "stereo", "surround"]
outputs = ["mono", "stereo", "surround"]
default = ["stereo", "stereo"]
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Yeah, that’s how I do it as well, it’s very nice and then I have an app which spits out my c++ classes, but I’d like to keep the processors themselves separated from the Buses, meaning they need to be separate files & classes, right now I have to subclass from the AudioProcessor, just so it can generate the bus config : (