A modern code editor for JUCE?

Thanks for the feedback!

Minor updates:

  • Mulit-caret editing is functional
  • VS2017 build issue raised by chrisboy2000 should be fixed
  • Scheme is derived from Component::findColour rather than hard-coded

The next priority should probably be word-wrap ;-/

With regard to syntax highlighting, it’s a priority to support CodeTokeniser. But another priority is to support general grammars, instead of writing a new parser for every language, or inheriting CppCodeTokeniser. Ideally the editor would maintain its own syntax tree. I’m not sure whether those goals are compatible or if the latter is too ambitious. Opinions?

With regard to extensibility, AceEditor and Sublime offer good models. I plan on parameterizing behaviors (such as where to put the caret after a newline, how to comment a sequence of lines, navigation rules, etc) around a bunch of lambda’s in an EditingMode struct. If scripting is desired, those lambdas could wrap calls to a JavascriptEngine or what-have-you.

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