AlertWindow Sound

Whenever an AlertWindow or DialogWindow pops up it makes the “dong” sound usually reserved for hitting a key with no shortcut. The AlertWindow is activated in a few parts of my program when clicking certain textButtons:

bool go = true;
	if (withWarning) 
		go = AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::WarningIcon,
												"Are you sure you'd like to reset? You will lose any unsaved changes.",
												"Go Back");

// execute code related to user's choice

This started happening some time after I updated to 2.0.27. Were any of the updates related to the AlertWindow or DialogWindow classes? I commented out all of the other code that my program usually executes before/after the AlertWindow and it was still doing it.

I can’t reproduce this… It doesn’t happen for the boxes in the juce demo. Can you give a more complete example of what you’re doing?

There’s a standaloneComponent with a synthComponent as its child. The standaloneComponent has a Reset button. When clicked, the reset button triggers the synthComponent’s resetSynth() method which then loads an xml file that resets all of the synths controls to a default state.

standaloneComponent’s reset code:

else if (buttonThatWasClicked == resetButton)
        //[UserButtonCode_resetButton] -- add your button handler code here..
		if (synthComponent->resetSynth(true))
			presetLabel->setText("Init", false);

synthComponent’s reset code:

bool SynthComponent::resetSynth(bool withWarning)
	if (synthAudioSource->isMidiSeqPlaying())
	bool go = true;
	if (withWarning) 
		go = AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::WarningIcon,
												"Are you sure you'd like to reset? You will lose any unsaved changes.",
												"Go Back");
	if (go) 
		File resetFile = resetPath;
		XmlDocument xmlDoc (resetFile.loadFileAsString());
		ScopedPointer <XmlElement> xml (xmlDoc.getDocumentElement());
		if (xml->getTagName() != "Syntorial")
			AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (AlertWindow::WarningIcon,
											  "Cannot reset synth. Reset file is corrupt or missing",
			float parArray[66];
			getPresetFromXML(xml, parArray);
			lastVoiceCount = 2;
	return go;


I checked the synthComponent and standaloneComponent’s keyPressed() methods to see if they’re being called when I click Reset and they’re not. Can other actions besides key presses cause that sound?

Nope… sorry, can’t make it happen.

Maybe suggest something I could change in the demo that will reproduce the problem?

(And you didn’t say which OS you’re using)

Mac OS 10.6

I did a little more digging in my synthComponent. After it’s initially loaded it gives keyboard focus to the MidiKeyboardComponent by calling keyboardComponent->grabKeyboardFocus(). This is so the user can play the synth with the computer keyboard. If I remove that grabKeyboardFocus call then the “dong” stops happening. I swear this wasn’t happening before.

I suppose I could have the AlertWindow grabKeyboardFocus when it’s loaded, and then after the user closes it, give the focus back to the keyboardComponent?

Well if you’ve got a modal component open, and another one (that’s blocked) tries to grab the focus then you can expect to hear the warning bong, same as if you tried to click on a background window when there’s a modal one open in front of it.

Makes sense. I just didn’t expect the keyboardComponent to try and grab focus again after the AlertWindow loaded. But now that I know what’s happening, I’ll figure it out. Thanks!