Android and Windows

Has anyone successfully compiled a Juce-Android project on Windows?
Even the simplest programs fail in Android studio because of compile errors inside Juce modules.
What are your experiences?
And more important: what is the outlook the Roli-Team is giving us here? Charging an extra $1000 for Android and then failing completely to compile on the most widespread computing/developing platform (Windows) is unacceptable if you ask me.

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This is really odd. I’ve just taken two machines (one mac one win), deleted everything Android related, and re-traced my steps in building the JUCE demo on both machines. I didn’t even install Android Studio (as Android Studio is known to be buggy on Windows) but just the command-line SDK. I built with gradle, letting the gradle-wrapper sort everything out for me.

On Mac everything works fine, but it seems on Windows, the ndk gets confused if any of the pre-processor macros contain forward slashes. I can only speculate that maybe the build tools do some kind of global find and replace for forward slashes and replaces them with backslashes in an attempt to convert file paths.

I guess this is one for the Android Studio team to sort out. I’ll file a bug and update the forum with any progress/feedback I’m getting.

Thanks for checking on this immediately, great support. Now just hope something in the Android world is moving forward on that matter, but I guess it won’t be too soon…

@fabian hey, I’m having these same issues on Windows…any update on whether this will be fixed anytime soon? I know the ball is not really in your court atm by the sound of it, but was wondering whether you received any feedback on the opened issue?

I’ve just tried adding Android as a Target for a project that builds just fine on Mac, iOS, Windows.

I haven’t tested macOS Android Studio, however… under Windows I’m seeing this:
Error:A problem occurred configuring project ‘:app’.
> executing external native build for cmake C:\Users\Developer\JUCE\examples\Demo\Builds\Android\app\CMakeLists.txt

  • Notice this is from ‘Demo’ of JUCE which shows that exact issue.

Further investigation shows:
C:/Users/Developer/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/cmake/3.6.3155560/share/cmake-3.6/Modules/CMakeDetermineSystem.cmake:98 (include)

which is:

This is when trying to target SDK 25 (might be NDK don’t have SDK 25?). to be honest I didn’t use Android Studio for NDK.

  • Setting target to 23 and download the proper SDK made it compile.

Though wonder why 25 doesn’t work.

Well did you install platform sdk 25?