Array<Value> access from other class

I'm sorry to bother you good folks, but I'm at my wits end.

I have two classes handling serial and midi communications respectively. Then I have a class with sliders etc. I need to update the sliders from the two other classes.

So I made a fourth class, wherein I create a public Array<Value> faderValues, and refer the sliders to these. This seems works fine, but how do I update Vauea in that Array from the midi and serial classes?

I tried variations of:

ArrayClassName arrayClassName;
arrayClassName.faderValues[0].setValue (10);  // Does nothing and no errors

Probably some basic understanding I'm missing, so my apologies :-) Thankyou for your patience.


Array’s operator[] returns a copy; it should work if you use

ArrayClassName arrayClassName;
arrayClassName.faderValues.getReference(0).setValue (10); 

Be aware that getReference() won’t check array bounds. I’m also not sure whether there is a better alternative for this than using an Array (which I think is rather thought for PODs and the like).

Thankyou for your suggestion! Unfortunately, nothing changed. Using the introducer I've made a simple project, just using a single Value object and a slider. I still can't change the Value object from outside the class, in a way the slider sees. Here's the code (without Main.cpp, and only a few lines from MainComponent.cpp).

What am I doing wrong (besides lacking knowledge :-) )?

MainComponent.h :

#include "JuceHeader.h"
#include "ValueClass.h"
#include "SerialClass.h"

class MainComponent  : public Component,
                       public SliderListener
    MainComponent ();

    void paint (Graphics& g);
    void resized();
    void sliderValueChanged (Slider* sliderThatWasMoved);

    ValueClass valueClass;

    ScopedPointer<Slider> slider;


    slider->getValueObject().referTo (valueClass.sliderVal);


#include "JuceHeader.h"
#include "ValueClass.h"

class SerialClass    : Timer
    SerialClass ();

    void timerCallback ();

    ValueClass valueClass;


#include "SerialClass.h"

SerialClass::SerialClass ()
    startTimer (1000);

SerialClass::~SerialClass ()

void SerialClass::timerCallback ()
    valueClass.sliderVal.setValue (12);


#include "JuceHeader.h"

class ValueClass
    ValueClass ();

    Value sliderVal;


#include "ValueClass.h"

ValueClass::ValueClass ()
    sliderVal = 10;

ValueClass::~ValueClass () {}

It looks like you have two separate instances of ValueClass each with their own Value.  One in MainComponent (which you refer the slider to) and a separate one in SerialClass which has no relation to the one in MainComponent.  You'll need to make both Value's point to the same underlying data for it to have a chance to work.