Basic questions: process block, dynamic resizing of things, etc

hello again – returning to this thread because I’ve got the audioBuffers working, now I need to figure out how to update the timestamps of my midiBuffer correctly… @daniel I based this off the code you provided, it was super helpful! This is what I have so far in my processBlock:

void AudioProcessor::processBlock (juce::AudioBuffer<float>& buffer, juce::MidiBuffer& midiMessages)
	int samplesLeft = buffer.getNumSamples();
	int startSample = 0;
	while (samplesLeft > 0)
		const int numSamples = samplesLeft >= MAX_BUFFERSIZE ? MAX_BUFFERSIZE : samplesLeft;  // MAX_BUFFERSIZE is just a global macro I've defined 
		AudioBuffer<float> proxy (buffer.getArrayOfWritePointers(), buffer.getNumChannels(), startSample, numSamples);
		processBlockPrivate(proxy, numSamples, midiMessages);
		// update midi buffer timestamps:
		// for all midiMessages from startSample to the end of the midiBuffer, subtract startSample from their timestamps
			auto midiIterator = midiMessages.findNextSamplePosition(startSample);
			std::for_each (midiIterator,
						   [&] (const MidiMessageMetadata& meta)
							   MidiMessage current = meta.getMessage();
							   current.setTimeStamp(current.getTimeStamp() - startSample);
		samplesLeft -= numSamples;
		startSample += numSamples;

Is this the correct approach? I’m a little bit confused about whether or not MidiMessage timestamps should correspond exactly to sample numbers…

bumping… does anyone have advice/guidance for dealing with midiBuffer timestamps in this scenario?

is it safe to assume that the midiBuffer passed into processBlock() will have timestamps formatted as sample numbers? or does it depend on the host?