Beginner tutorial errors in Visual studio 2019

Hello,I started using JUCE today and I’m following along to my first audio plug-in tutorial.
In Visual studio 2019, many errors pop up when I open the tutorial files, I’ve tried installing VST3 SDK from steinberg, but still no luck. I’ve only been doing c++ for a couple months, so It might just be a simple mistake, but I have 200+ errors. If any one has suggestions, it would be appreciated.

Edit: Never mind i just had to re-install visual studio haha

It would help if you posted some of the errors…

I apologize, I’m new to the forum and unable to upload the images, but it shows 200+ errors.

Error (active) E0292 “AudioProcessor” is not a nonstatic data member or base class of class “NewProjectAudioProcessor”

Error (active) E0276 name followed by ‘::’ must be a class or namespace name

Error (active) E0020 identifier “BusesLayout” is undefined

Error (active) E0020 identifier “buffer” is undefined

Error (active) E0020 identifier “getTotalNumInputChannels” is undefined

Error (active) E0065 expected a ‘;’

Error (active) E0020 identifier “getTotalNumOutputChannels” is undefined

I am having this exact set of errors. Sadly re-installing Visual Studio fixed nothing for me.
I assume this is happening because of some missing reference to a JUCE library or something.

Would be happy to know any suggestions / approaches.

I have also managed to figure it out. Let me drop what I did for future rookies trying to figure this out:

It started working when I made a new project, selected both VS 19 and 17 as possible exporters, opened the project in VS17, which actually opened it in VS19 and did some backwards compatibility stuff.

Of course, I assume the actual fix here was making a new project, as the first project I made, which is the one throwing the errors was created before installing Visual Studio.

So yeah, tl;dr: Don’t give up, just keep reinstalling things and making new projects.
Good luck


This worked for me as well. Thanks so much for sharing the fix I would have never tried that.

Hi Fellow New JUCErs!

I had similar problems with the first tutorial, Getting started with the Projucer. What worked for me was noticing that the Visual Studio 2019 check box was only dimly checked. When I clicked on the check box, it got more brightly checked. When I clicked on “Save and Open in IDE” this is what the Solution looked like in VS2019 after expanding the relevant categories.

Hope this helps someone get over the initial bumps at the bottom of the learning curve! :smiley:

I had the same problem and what solved it for me was ensuring the paths are correct.

Ensure Path to JUCE and JUCE modules are correct in Global Paths… from the File dropdown menu.

Also (and this is the difference that made it work for me) in the New Project screen made sure Path to Modules is correct in the right hand side panel.

I am slightly puzzled as to why JUCE doesn’t get this information from setting an environment variable during the install, or did I miss that option?

I also don’t recall having the same trouble on an older version of JUCE.

In the end to me it seems all the errors were generated by not knowing where the modules are.