Best way to call async method from processBlock() loop?

Thanks all for the interesting insights!

My take on the first approach (flag + timer) was this (it’s for a IR convolution plugin)…

class ImpulseLoaderAsync  : private Timer

    void changeImpulseAsync (int newImpulse);
    const bool isNowChanging() { return nowChangingImpulseAsync; }

    int currentImpulse {-1};    // force initial load
    bool nowChangingImpulseAsync {false};      // the flag

    void timerCallback() override;
    void changeImpulse (int newImpulse);


#include "ImpulseLoaderAsync.h"

    startTimer (500);

void ImpulseLoaderAsync::changeImpulseAsync (int newImpulse)
    if (newImpulse != currentImpulse)
        currentImpulse = newImpulse;
        nowChangingImpulseAsync = true;

// private:

void ImpulseLoaderAsync::timerCallback()
    if (nowChangingImpulseAsync)
        changeImpulse (currentImpulse);
        nowChangingImpulseAsync = false;

void ImpulseLoaderAsync::changeImpulse (int newImpulse)
    switch (newImpulse)
        // big switch statement where I load the impulse

Note, I bypassed the DSP (in my case convolution) whenever the changeImpulseAsync() flag is set.

In the processBlock()…

impulseLoaderAsync.changeImpulseAsync (newImpulse);

if (*bypassParam < 0.5f && impulseLoaderAsync.isNowChanging() != true) // bypass while changing impulse also
    //... the DSP

How does all this look to you guys best practice-wise?
