BUG (with fix): ArgumentList::Argument::getLongOptionValue() returns name of option if no "=" is provided

ArgumentList::Argument arg;
arg.text = “–foo”;

The current implementation is:

String ArgumentList::Argument::getLongOptionValue() const
    if (isLongOption())
        // wrong check, only false if '=' is the first char!
        if (auto equalsIndex = text.indexOfChar ('='))
            return text.substring (equalsIndex + 1); 
   return {};

I think it should be:

String ArgumentList::Argument::getLongOptionValue() const
    if (isLongOption())
        auto equalsIndex = text.indexOfChar ('=')
        // correct check: indexOfChar return -1 if character could not be found
        if (equalsIndex != -1)
            return text.substring (equalsIndex + 1); 
   return {};


PS.: The somewhat longer story is that ArgumentList::getExistingFolderForOption("–foo") prints a confusing error message (Could not find folder: /Volumes/…/–foo ) if the user tries to pass the arguments via “–foo /bar/baz” instead of “–foo=/bar/baz”

This looks like it has already been fixed in the develop branch.

Oh Snap! Yes, I missed that. Thanks for pointing this out and please excuse the noise!