Build an AudioApplication in Windows with VisualStudio 2017

Hi, I have my App in OS X version and now I want to make the win version.
I have on win “Visual Studio Community 2017”, I have added an exporter for it from JCUE, but if I compile in win the solution it outputs me 688 errors like “no file found”.
I have installed SDK Windows 8.1 as the compiler said to me.
Any suggestion?

Have you checked the module paths for the Windows exporter? I remember havin a similar issue when I tried to build my first Linux Version from a projucer project started on OS X and in the end, the linux module paths that were filled automatically by the projucer when adding the exporter for the new plattform just were some paths not even existing on that machine…

Yes the paths are ok in both OS X and win exporters…

I’ve noticed that in Visual Studio, in the Solution I have the Juce Modules folder with a red icon on all .cpp files inside…but I can view them all anyway…
Could this be the problem?

PS I have tried to make a new project but VS doesn’t compile it…

The errors are on the external dependencies…I have 16 errors for the test app, 22 errors for the migration app. Have I to install somewhat in addiction to Visual Studio Community 2017?

Please start the “Visual Studio Installer” and make sure that at least the “Desktop development with C++” workload is checked.

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Yes,I checked that before the install…an I’ve controlled just now, it is checked…

Could you paste some the errors here, so we can see what kind of errors they are exactly?

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One repeated error is that -vs say- impossibile to locate the file winnt.h, and many other files .h in the dependencies.

Please copy-paste the actual errors. There is a lot of information in them, and that’s the only thing we can use to help you.

Ok I’ll try: I have to switch from mac to pc…

Well, I h ave installed “Desktop Development C++” with all the options and everything works fine…
Thanks a lot!