C++ Question from DSP Tutorial

I’ve been working through the JUCE DSP tutorial and came across this line:

auto &osc = processorChain.template get<oscIndex>();

From what I gather, I think this line gets a pointer to an oscillator object that we can then work with.
I’m confused about what the purpose of the ‘template’ keyword is.

With some compilers it should work without the template keyword.
As far as I know this way you tell the compiler that the following method is a template, and you will provide a template argument within the <>. Otherwise the compiler could assume that get is a member variable and you want to check if it’s smaller (<) than oscIndex.

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Small note: auto& osc shows that it’s not a pointer but a reference that is returned here. If you are coming from plain C, where a pointer would be the obvious choice in such a context, I would advise you to have a quick read on references and why they are preferred over pointers in many cases when working with C++ :wink:

If you are coming from plain C, where a pointer would be the obvious choice in such a context

Yup! Guilty as charged. I am trying to catch up on C++. Appreciate the tip :slight_smile: