CameraDevice ... details?

It's great that JUCE has support for the camera devices on a computer, but is there any way to query their capabilities or to set e.g. resolution etc?

Not at the moment. The camera classes are due for a bit of redevelopment though, as I need to update it to use newer OSX APIs, so adding more features would also be good.

Wonderful!  For my purposes, it would be most useful to be able to query and set camera parameters.  And of course, being able to do that in a uniform manner across platforms would be my first choice.

Noticing that both Apple and Microsoft have numerous APIs to deal with this sort of thing leaves me feeling a bit deflated...

Have you any idea of the time-frame in which you might be able to produce updated camera support?


No time-frames for anything, I'm afraid! It's fairly high on my list though, as the old APIs will probably be deprecated soon.

ok, thanks!

Capture video with sound would be super cool.