Casting in juce_FakeMouseMoveGenerator.h

Hello I try to build a audio plugin with the newest juce Version (3.0.6), but I get an Error in "juce_FakeMouseMoveGenerator.h". 

The Error is a casting problem: 

.../JuceLibraryCode/modules/juce_audio_plugin_client/utility/juce_FakeMouseMoveGenerator.h:54:81: No viable conversion from 'const Point<float>' to 'Point<int>'

at this Code part in the file: 

void timerCallback() override


        // workaround for carbon windows not getting mouse-moves..

        const Point<float> screenPos (Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource().getScreenPosition());

        if (screenPos != lastScreenPos)


            lastScreenPos = screenPos;

            const ModifierKeys mods (ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiers());

            if (! mods.isAnyMouseButtonDown())


            if (Component* const comp = Desktop::getInstance().findComponentAt (screenPos))

                    if (ComponentPeer* const peer = comp->getPeer())

                        if (! peer->isFocused())

                            peer->handleMouseEvent (0, peer->globalToLocal (screenPos.toFloat()), mods, Time::currentTimeMillis());



Now is my question if there is a fix already, or should I fix it with a simple cast? 




Fixed that a couple of weeks ago - you'll need to get the latest version.