Deprecated stuff in SpectrumVumeter

Hi there,

I am pretty new to JUCE and C++ programming so be patient in your answers.

i am trying to compile the SpectrumVumeter project and it seems like its based on an older version of Juce because i get a lot off errors and warnings.
I already fixed a problem with strings using a legace format T(“dummy string”) operator. I just deletet the T(…) and the error is gone. Fine.
Fixed pointer referencing stuff. OK.

So here are warnings that i would like to get rid of: Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance


1>------ Build started: Project: SpectrumVumeter, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> SpectrumComponent.cpp
1> The juce.h file is deprecated - please include each module’s header file directly, or preferably let the introjucer handle the inclusion of source code in your project.
1> SpectrumAudio.cpp
1> The juce.h file is deprecated - please include each module’s header file directly, or preferably let the introjucer handle the inclusion of source code in your project.
1>c:\repositories\plugins\spectrumvumeter\spectrumvumeter\spectrumaudio.cpp(66): error C2664: ‘juce::AudioTransportSource::setSource’ : cannot convert parameter 3 from ‘double’ to 'juce::TimeSliceThread *'
1> Generating Code…
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

This SpectrumVumeter project isn’t part of the JUCE git repository, so I’ve no idea where it’s from… But my gut feeling says it’s most likely not up to date with JUCE’s most current code, especially since you’re getting “juce.h is deprecated” messages.

I would urge you to learn C++ firstly, Git next, then move onto learning the JUCE library itself by looking at the projects under its extras folder.


Thanks for the input. Turns out my C++ is good enough to dig through the code and debug it such that it compiles and links.
That needed a build of zlib.lib and libpng.lib (I’m pretty proud i got that solved)
Then unfortunately It starts with an exception. Lets see if i can debug it later.

However i will start with a fresh PlugIn from the Jucer. Unfortunately changing the GUI afterwards is a pain with the jucer.

I’ll keep on posting how i progress here for giggles.


…erm… no, the juce codebase already contains internal versions of those, you certainly don’t need to install or build them externally. Not sure how you managed to end up doing that!

Thanks Jules,

haha! ok, that SpectrumVUmeter-project seems to be VERY old. :slight_smile: However, that was a nice exercise.
So I’ll start fresh with a VST project generated by the introjucer, find a nice spectrum display component, put in fftw and i shell be fine.

take care



Yes, old little 3rd party project not compatible with the 2.0 refactoring. Maybe I will convert this sample project into functionnal module in futur.