Disable auto-scrolling for ListBox when selecting range

I need to disable auto-scrolling for ListBox when using selectRangeOfRows declared in juce_ListBox.h.

void ListBox::selectRangeOfRows (int firstRow, int lastRow)
    if (multipleSelection && (firstRow != lastRow))
        const int numRows = totalItems - 1;
        firstRow = jlimit (0, jmax (0, numRows), firstRow);
        lastRow  = jlimit (0, jmax (0, numRows), lastRow);

        selected.addRange (Range<int> (jmin (firstRow, lastRow),
                                       jmax (firstRow, lastRow) + 1));

        selected.removeRange (Range<int> (lastRow, lastRow + 1));

    selectRowInternal (lastRow, false, false, true);

I think this need to change:
selectRowInternal (lastRow, false, false, true);
selectRowInternal (lastRow, true, false, true);

since selectedRowInternal is declared as

void ListBox::selectRowInternal (const int row,
                                 bool dontScroll,
                                 bool deselectOthersFirst,
                                 bool isMouseClick)

Maybe the solution is to request that a third parameter be declared for selectRangeOfRows:

void selectRangeOfRows (int firstRow,
                        int lastRow,
                        bool dontScroll = false);

and the definition be changed to:

void ListBox::selectRangeOfRows (int firstRow, int lastRow, bool dontScroll)
    if (multipleSelection && (firstRow != lastRow))
        const int numRows = totalItems - 1;
        firstRow = jlimit (0, jmax (0, numRows), firstRow);
        lastRow  = jlimit (0, jmax (0, numRows), lastRow);

        selected.addRange (Range<int> (jmin (firstRow, lastRow),
                                       jmax (firstRow, lastRow) + 1));

        selected.removeRange (Range<int> (lastRow, lastRow + 1));

    selectRowInternal (lastRow, dontScroll, false, true);

Thanks for the suggestion! I just added this feature on the develop branch.

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