E1696 cannot open source file "stddef.h"

Quite suddenly, after the download of JUCE 5.2 version, when I am trying to compile “juce demo host” application in VS2017, I am getting hundrents of the above fatal errors.
Of cource, I opened the “juce demo host” in the Projucer and I saved it in VS2017 accordingly.

Am I missing somethig very simple ?
Any suggestion please ?


Ok, I installed:

  • Universal Windows platform development, and
  • Desktop developement with C++
    via Visual studio installer, and it seems to work fine. . .

Hm… not exactly fine…
I am getting the following errors:

  • Error (active) E1696 cannot open source file “base/source/flock.cpp” Plugin Host_App d:\APNikolas\Juce\JUCE-master\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_VST3Headers.h 105

  • Error (active) E1696 cannot open source file “pluginterfaces/gui/iplugviewcontentscalesupport.h” Plugin Host_App d:\APNikolas\Juce\JUCE-master\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_VST3Headers.h 113

  • Error C1083 Cannot open include file: ‘base/source/flock.cpp’: No such file or directory (compiling source file …\JuceLibraryCode\include_juce_audio_processors.cpp) Plugin Host_App d:\apnikolas\juce\juce-master\modules\juce_audio_processors\format_types\juce_VST3Headers.h 105

I am experiencing this situation for the first time and I can’t explain it.

Am I missing something very essential ?


Which version of the VST SDK are you using? JUCE 5.2.0 is only compatible with the VST SDK version 3.6.7.

Thank alot for the information. I downloaded VST SDK 3.6.8 and it all works fine now.
@Juce team: It would be very helpful to refer to the compatibility of the each version of JUCE with the s/w of third-party developers.

Thanks alot again
