EXC_BAD_ACCESS when setting bounds

thanks for the quick response.

The Array is defined like this:

Slider* defaultSliderLayout[defaultLayoutPositions];

Adding the Pointers is just done with a method that takes a Pointer to the component and an integer in which position the pointer shall be stored. and then just:

defaultSliderLayout[column] = slider;

Allright, here is where I iterate over the arrays:
(all the unit- and subdivision things are stored in a static const class, and the class uses its namespace, but even changing to bare numbers does not change anything

for(int col = 0; col<defaultLayoutPositions; col++){
    int x =(col+defaultLayoutStartOffset)*unit;
    Label* lab = defaultLabelLayout[col];
    if(lab!= nullptr){
        lab->setBounds(x, (subdivider-1)*unitSubDivision, unit, unitSubDivision);
    Slider* slid = defaultSliderLayout[col];
        slid->setBounds(x, 0, unit, (subdivider-1)*unitSubDivision);