[FR] Additional juce::var constructor to take unique_ptr<ReferenceCountedObject> rather than raw pointer

juce::var has a constructor that takes a juce::ReferenceCountedObject* which appears to take ownership of the object (although this isn’t documented AFAICS). This isn’t very modern-C++ and has led us to writing something like:

auto object = std::make_unique<juce::DynamicObject>();
// ...
juce::var v {object.release()};

However it’d be much nicer to be able to use std::move() into the var instead:

auto object = std::make_unique<juce::DynamicObject>();
// ...
juce::var v {std::move (object)};

Which would mean adding a juce::var(std::unique_ptr<juce::ReferenceCountedObject>) constructor.