getComponentUnderMouse for PopupMenu

Is there anyway to get the component under the mouse if it’s a child of a PopupMenu? I’m trying to find my custom component.

Sorry to necro this thread, but did you ever find an answer to this?

I think I solved this a different way, but you can try something like this:

static juce::Component* realGetComponent (juce::Component& p, juce::Point<int> screenPos)
	if (p.isVisible () && p.getScreenBounds ().contains (screenPos))
		for (auto i = p.getNumChildComponents (); --i >= 0;)
		    if (auto c = p.getChildComponent (i))
			if ( auto r = realGetComponent (*c, screenPos))
				return r;
		return &p;
	return nullptr;

static juce::Component* realGetComponentUnderMouse()
	auto mouse = juce::Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource();
	auto pos = mouse.getScreenPosition().toInt ();

	auto& desktop = juce::Desktop::getInstance();

	for (auto i = desktop.getNumComponents(); --i >= 0;)
		if (auto dtc = desktop.getComponent (i))
			if (dtc->isVisible())
				if (auto c = realGetComponent (*dtc, pos))
					return c;

	return {};

It doesn’t take into hitTest() or interceptsMouse() which you may want to add.

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Thanks a lot! Will check it out.