goToUrl with postData

That’s what I’m doing. I explained it to see the whole picture, that I used the string format first, which worked fine, but since I have to upload pictures, executables etc. I must use withFileToUpload, and I do use it, but it doesn’t work… The main problem for me right now is I have to use that auth string at the end of the url, wihthout it I can’t access the webscript, and when I’m using withFileToUpload, it works like I didn’t put it there, so won’t let me use it.

P.S.: of course I check if the upload was successful (but when the server returns with an auth error, obviously it was not successful)

I’m no http expert, but mixing up GET and POST parameters sounds like a good recipe for FAIL.

I don’t think this will be a problem in your app - most likely just some kind of webserver setup mismatch.

I had written code for uploading the files using curl and I know for sure I wasn’t sending the MIME type. I don’t have the code now. I will get back to you after going through the code. Don’t know how much useful it would be. Lets hope for the best.

I had read your post and got confused, i thought you were using separate code for text and binary files. :oops:

By the way check this out. and

Based on the second link, I think your code might have to change to

fileUrl = fileUrl.withFileToUpload("filename",fileToUpload);

Try it with and without mime type. Don’t thing you need to provide it for upload.

  • filename is the field accepting the filepath.

Well maybe there’s some kind of webserver configuration problem. However, why does the url including the GET parameter work with simple withParameters (already a mixture of GET and POST) but with withFileToUpload? (btw the server is Alfresco, and it just needs that ticket at the end of the url as a GET parameter, otherwise it just won’t let me use the webscript)

It won’t work without MIME since the function takes 3 parameters. But makes sense, because I checked the webscript, and it contains a guessMimetype function called with the filename, so theoretically it’s not necessary to be provided.
I would like to see that cURL code if it’s not a big problem to find :slight_smile: thanks!

I know very little about webservers, and nothing at all about alfresco, but they do check their input and reject things they don’t like. I had problems myself uploading files when the mime type didn’t match the file.

I found the code. Send me your email id. I will mail you the code. My server was a page which used to accept data. May be the server was handling all the stuff related to MIME type.

I can only contribute a trivial footnote. If the content to send is not too long a string, it can be easier to put it in a query string as part of the URL, like this:

Of course that’s probably not sufficient for your needs, but it avoids an HTTP POST for simpler data items, and JavaScript has simple methods for extracting the query string.

ok I found out what is my problem (I already assumed this could have happened but now I’m sure about it). I printed out all the parameters with a php file, and found out that for some reason when I used withFileToUpload, the GET parameter did not disappear, but has been sent as a POST parameter… Jules, could you take a look at the code in juce? maybe it would be easy to fix

There’s nothing to fix - it’s doing exactly what it’s supposed to! The URL class will either send its parameters through a GET or a POST, but not as a crazy mixture of both!