GUI Freezing in Reaper when using setValueNotifyingHost? Bug in juce? Don't usually like to say it but...?

I see. I think. Haha. I will come back to that problem. In any case, don’t worry about derailing. It is good food for thought in the future. I will bear it in mind.

Interesting, I wonder if it could be something else that you’re doing thats causing an issue as I’m saving/loading the apvts in one of our plugins (~2200 parameters) in getStateInformation/setStateInformation. Just read this and tested in reaper and it has no issue on either M1 or M1 Pro when parameters are changed.

P.s. 2100 of those parameters are non-automatable if that makes any difference?

jimc helped me determine it was just the getStateInformation code that was causing the issue and this code was at that point using XML. when switched to just saving as a raw binary it runs smoothly. there is nothing else really going on. those parameters do not actually do anything within the plugin to be honest about it. they are just for parameter linking purposes, so the host must be notified of the changes. if those 2100 parameters are non-automatable, that would suggest that the host isn’t being notified of the changes and is only running getStateInformation when saving the project? In that case there would be no lagging.