Handling MIDI output in standalone app

What if you wanted a standalone app (built from the Projucer Plugin template with the standalone build option selected), say an Android app, to 1) generate and output MIDI to other apps, external hardware, and/or a DAW, and also 2) internally generate audio based on that MIDI? For the MIDI output, would directly sending the MIDI messages as soon as they’re created with a MidiOutput (like mentioned here https://forum.juce.com/t/midi-output-from-a-standalone-app/39385) give the lowest latency, as opposed to sending it to the AudioProcessor processBlock() and handling it there? For internal audio generation, you would of course have to handle the MIDI in processBlock(). So would there be less latency when separating the MIDI output from the internal MIDI handling/audio processing, but perhaps some simplicity to be gained from having a centralized MIDI handling system?