How about juce_win32_ASIO.cpp

Hi, jules
How are you?
I found in juce_win32_ASIO.cpp, there are some new stuff(compared with juce1.46), and could you explain the following new code to me?
in class ASIOAudioIODevice, it has new datamember: optionalDllForDirectLoading (optionalDllForDirectLoading_),

in loadDriver() function

if (optionalDllForDirectLoading.isNotEmpty())
HMODULE h = LoadLibrary (optionalDllForDirectLoading);

            if (h != 0)
                typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK* DllGetClassObjectFunc) (REFCLSID clsid, REFIID iid, LPVOID* ppv);
                DllGetClassObjectFunc dllGetClassObject = (DllGetClassObjectFunc) GetProcAddress (h, "DllGetClassObject");

                if (dllGetClassObject != 0)
                    IClassFactory* classFactory = 0;
                    HRESULT hr = dllGetClassObject (classId, IID_IClassFactory, (void**) &classFactory);

                    if (classFactory != 0)
                        hr = classFactory->CreateInstance (0, classId, (void**) &asioObject);

                    return asioObject != 0;

Issue found in the following code, when I try to set one asio deivce. "asio digidesign driver"
And in loadDriver()
bool loadDriver()

		//try {
        if (CoCreateInstance (classId, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
                              classId, (void**) &asioObject) == S_OK)
            return true;


when I try to set a device in plugin, CoCreateInstance () call never get plugin crashed.
What does this call mean?

you added another function :
AudioIODevice* juce_createASIOAudioIODeviceForGUID (const String& deviceName,
void* guid,
const String& optionalDllForDirectLoading)

what does guid mean?


You should ignore the optional guid stuff.

And I seem to remember that Digidesign have a delightful feature that makes their driver crash if you’re running a debugger.

Hi, jules
I thought it is related to release plugin crashed when I try to set DeviceType.
It works good for juce146 release plugin, I can set asio device . Juce does not provide the setDeviceType function in juce146.
The release mode plugin crashed only in juce150. So I diff the files to see difference, and found this change in juce150.


It’s odd that it used to work… It might just be the driver not liking being closed/re-opened in quick succession, or something like that. Hard to debug, really, and I’m not sure what to suggest…