How to manage idle of ProgressBar?

I have used juce::ProgressBar and it works fine. But I also need to control the idle time.
So I can run my own Timer to do that. But controlling the idle time seems to be something crucial in such thing like progress bar. So I wonder if there is already any solution to control idle time inside juce::ProgressBar.

I see there is at the end of its timerCallback method code like that:

if (auto* handler = getAccessibilityHandler())
    handler->notifyAccessibilityEvent (AccessibilityEvent::valueChanged);

But I am not sure what is this and if can I use it to indicate too long idle time?

Or maybe you can give any other advice how to control idle time in ProgressBar?

Because it seems to be not optimal to use my own timer while ProgressBar already has one.

For any help greak thanks in advance.
Best Regards.