I started learning about Audio Programming during quarantine and here's the plugin I built

Hey everyone,
Firstly, I hope this is not an off-topic post. I want to share with you the plugin I made starting from no knowledge about audio processing or JUCE.

This year, I finished my Bachelor’s of Electronics and IT and my finishing project was to build an audio plugin. Our proffessor suggested we’d use JUCE for this task but I had no prior knowledge about audio processing nor about JUCE or C++ (I had used some C and Java before).

I decided to make a “Prismizer” plugin and started experimenting on how I could do a basic frequency shift on Matlab for quite a while. Then, I started watching youtube tutorials about basic projects on JUCE and later, delved into the deeper world of forums and stack overflows and open-source libraries. I used the SoundTouch library for the pitch shifting.

In the end, I could finish this project in about 2 months. I’m quite happy with the end result and I wanted to share it with you :slight_smile: The source code and the runnables can be found on the descriptions on the video.

Here’s the link to the video where I demo the plugin: https://youtu.be/lK_cxwrvUZo


Great job!

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damn dude thats tight! nice work

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Thanks a lot!

thanks a lot man, cheers!