Inconsistent default values of Sliders in AudioParameterFloat

Ok, when reading again, I realised it might make sense. BUT when you specify the values, you should use double for your scaling factor, otherwise you still have the artifacts. Or just fill in the scaled numbers, so you don’t get conversion warnings, if you have turned them on.

And specify the NormalisedRange like I wrote in your other thread. You didn’t supply a step range, so the numbers are allowed to be somewhere between the nicely readable ones.

How about that for example:

auto SystemDecayFilter1Param = std::make_unique<AudioParameterFloat> 
    ("system_decay_panel_filter1",         // parameterID
     "System Decay Filter1",               // parameter name
     NormalisableRange<float>(0f,          // minimum
                              0.999999f,   // maximum
                              0.000001f),  // step size
     0.9965f,                              // default value
     String(),                             // label
     [](float value, int maximumStringLength)
         return String (value * 0.00001);  // double is intended!
     [](const String &text)
         return float (text.getDoubleValue() * 0.00001); // explicit cast to avoid warning

However, I was wondering how user friendly a parameter is, that is changing 6 digits after the comma? Maybe re-think, what the value is actually representing?