Integration with Instagram API

Hi, does anyone has tried before using instagram Api in a juce project?
I’d like to do some stuffs using URL and passing somethings like
URL myUrl(“…”)
to do what I need but I don’t understand how …

I structured for example this class, but actually I don’t know how leave a like on a media or a comment:

class MyProfile : public User
    /** with this constructor the user can authenticate his profile and perform the access
     @param username            the username of user who want to perform the acess
     @param password            the password of user who want to perform the acess
    MyProfile(String name, String pass) : User(name)
        pass = password;
    /** with this you can leave a like on media passd in param, if it happens it returns true, else it returns false
     @param onMediaId            the media which we want to leave the like (referred by Id)
    bool performLike(String onMediaId) { return false; }
    /** with this you can leave a comment on media passd in param, if it happens it returns the comment with the text we put as second param, else it returns an empty comment
     @param onMediaId           the media which we want to leave the comment (referred by Id)
     @param comment               the text of the comment that we want to leave
    Comment performComment(String onMediaId, String comment) { return Comment(); }
    /** with this you can leave a message the user passd in param, if it happens it returns the text of the messaeg  we put as second param, else it returns an empty String()
     @param toUserId           the user we want send the message (referred by Id)
     @param message               the text of the message that we want to leave
    String performMessage(String toUserId, String message) { return String(); }
    /** with this we can see the stories published by the user passed as param
     @param ofUserId           the user we want to see the stories (referred by Id)
    void seeStories(String ofuserId) {}
    /** with this you can start to follow another user passed in param, it returns true if the operation is successful, flase if it's not
     @param userId            the ID of user you want to follow (referred by Id)
    bool performFollow(String userId) { return false; }
    /** with this you can stop to follow another user passed in param, it returns true if the operation is successful, flase if it's not
     @param userId            the media which the authenticate user want to leave the like (referred by Id)
    bool performUnfollow(String userId)
        if (this->getFollowedIds().contains(userId, true))
            /* HANDLE STUFFS AND RETURN THE TRUTH */ return false;
        return false;

    String password;

Anyone that could give any advice?