Introjucer on X code 4.3 Not working!

hi , i have just installed x code and have downloaded the JUCE repository files, i have run the introjucer project for x code but it will not let me open the introjucer app on my mac i am using X Code 3.2 with mac 10.68 ? any help ?

So, are you using Xcode 4.3 or 3.2 ? It compiles fine on both here.

i have 4.3 , how do you launch introjucer , as i want to start building the juce demo plugin with x code  ? 

Press "run", like for any other app. It just works.

But just saying "it will not let me open it" is not enough information for anyone to help you.

thank you! i now have the introjucer window up , i will start the tutorial , sorry i am  a beginner