IPAddress IPv6 usability

I just made a mistake which others may make at some point. It was pretty silly but here goes:

IPAddress ip;

// -- other code --

ip = "";
// Above will use the IPAddress(bool isIP6) constructor
// and will make and empty IPv6 address.

// What I meant to do
ip = IPAddress(String(""));

Maybe something could be done to make this mistake harder to make in future? Explicit constructor?

This also works strangely:

IPAddress ip("");
// Makes empty IPv6

Thanks, I’ll sort that out.

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I see you have removed the constructor. This works as I can still set isIPv6 manually.

However the static IPAddress::any(bool isIP6) uses the IPV4 uint32_t constructor for me now.

// Returns (i.e. a IPv4 address constructed with uint32_t(true)

Ah yeah, didn’t spot that one. Thanks, there will be a fix on develop shortly.

I am using the new class quite extensively (to replace our internal ipv4 only equivalent). I now have a collection of util functions, of which maybe some could go upstream. An obvious choice would be extending == to cover > and <. Using something along the lines of the below perhaps?

    int compare (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2)
        // Need to note in docs that comparing IPv4 address with IPv6 address
        // may not give altogether sensible results.
        for (int i = 0; i < (ip1.isIPv6 ? 16 : 4); i++)
            if (ip1.address[i] > ip2.address[i]) return 1;
            if (ip1.address[i] < ip2.address[i]) return -1;

        return 0;

namespace juce
bool operator>  (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2) { return compare (ip1, ip2) > 0; }
bool operator<  (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2) { return compare (ip1, ip2) < 0; }
bool operator>= (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2) { return compare (ip1, ip2) >= 0; }
bool operator<= (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2) { return compare (ip1, ip2) <= 0; }

I also have stuff to cover prefixes and IPv4 masks and some other bits ‘n’ bobs.

Actually thinking about it, this is weird in the current behaviour

IPAddress add1 (1, 1, 1, 1);
IPAddress add2 (257, 257, 123, 456, 789, 012, 345, 678);
expectEquals((int)(add1 == add2), (int)false); // FAILS: true
expectEquals((int)(add2 == add1), (int)false);

So maybe the (ip1.isIPv6 ? 16 : 4) should become 16? Or something like the following where IPv4 are less than IPv6s?

    int compare (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2)
        if (ip1.isIPv6 != ip2.isIPv6)
            if (ip1.isIPv6) return 1;
            else return -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < (ip1.isIPv6 ? 16 : 4); i++)
            if (ip1.address[i] > ip2.address[i]) return 1;
            if (ip1.address[i] < ip2.address[i]) return -1;

        return 0;

namespace juce
bool operator>  (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2) { return compare (ip1, ip2) > 0; }
bool operator<  (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2) { return compare (ip1, ip2) < 0; }
bool operator>= (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2) { return compare (ip1, ip2) >= 0; }
bool operator<= (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2) { return compare (ip1, ip2) <= 0; }
bool operator== (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2) { return compare (ip1, ip2) == 0; }
bool operator!= (const IPAddress& ip1, const IPAddress& ip2) { return compare (ip1, ip2) != 0; }

Yeah there’s a few things that need cleaning up in that class, I’ll hopefully push something shortly…

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OK, commit 8e463b4 will be on develop shortly and cleans a few things up in the IPAddress class. I’ve added more comparison operators and also support for IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses with some handy static methods for converting to and from them. This makes the comparison between IPv6 and v4 addresses a bit more sensible as it will check whether the v6 address is a v4-mapped address before comparing them. If it isn’t, then the fallback is to always assume that v6 addresses are “greater” than v4 addresses.

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Thanks Ed. Looks great.

Hello again @ed95. There is a zeroUnusedBytes(); missing in the IPAddress string constructor I think.

Yep, I’ll add that. Should be on develop in a few minutes

@ed95 I have found a bug in IPv6 parsing strings. Reproduce with below:

IPAddress one("0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:1234:5678");
IPAddress two(one.toString());
EXPECT_EQ(one.toString(), two.toString());

OK, there should be a fix on develop shortly.

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Hi @ed95, will these changes be available in a release soon? Nothing on master branch as far as I can see.

Without giving a specific date, we should be doing a release in the next month or so that will include these changes.