Is is possible to run an application inside a Juce project? To "wrap" it with Juce? For example, a .app or .exe file?

Mostly I’m just curious, but I have a really interesting situation where I might want to do this if it’s possible. I have a really large Max/MSP standalone and it would open up interesting possibilities to wrap it with Juce.

What does ‘wrapping’ mean? or, asked differently, how do you expect the ‘wrapped’ app and the ‘wrapper’ app to interact?

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Not exactly sure which is why I’m asking. I’ve created a VST with Juce that sits inside Max and interacts via OSC messages so maybe the reverse could somehow work. I wasn’t sure if it was possible to run a program inside another program (sort of like how Electron “runs” web applications).

It might be possible, at least in a limited fashion. But Juce itself doesn’t have facilities for that beyond running external programs as child processes. (There is no support for embedding GUI windows from external applications or anything like that, for example.)

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Your VST isn’t a stand alone program, but a dynamically loaded library that is designed to be loaded/hosted inside of an application. It has a defined API that allows it to be controlled, and communicated with, from within an application. Doing this arbitrarily is not really a thing. Electron is ‘just’ a specialized browser, that wraps web applications (javascript, html, and css), which is different than running a native application (a series of machine instructions). So, the base answer to your question is no… But, still, what is it you want to do? If you define the interactions you are looking for, there may be another solution.

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