JUCE 6.1.6 DemoRunner LiveConstant not working

This demo no longer pops up a window to adjust anything…

JUCE 6.1.5 as well. MacOS Mojave, Windows 10 tested. No window for adjusting parameters. I know I’ve seen it in previous versions…

Are you testing a Debug or Release build?

The pre-built DemoRunner we ship as part of our downloads is the Release version where all the LiveConstant functionality is folded down into static values.

I’ll add a note to the demo.

I’m sorry, I must be confused about something. I distinctly remember trying this demo, and getting a popup window, and playing with the values, which taught me that this was a cool feature and I have used it several times. I guess I must have recompiled it as DEBUG…

Yeah, a note that you need to recompile it in DEBUG would be helpful… thanks!