juce_AU_Wrapper.mm - Expected ';' after top level declarator

Unable to compile AU for Mac or AUv3 for iOS after enabling AUv3 option for plugin type. It does not work after disabling the plugin type, renabling on one from AU or AUv3, clearing build folder, clearing Xcode derived data, all.

Standalone and VST3 works fine.

There might be an issue in the expansion of that JUCE_AU_ENTRY_POINT_NAME macro.
What’s the exact name that you have given to your plug-in? Does it contain any “fancy” character?

I don’t know how to change that macro JUCE_AU_ENTRY_POINT_NAME as relying completely on projucer.

I had solved this issue by changing the “Plugin AU Export Prefix” in projucer, as it was containing space or special character.

Yes that was probably it, I think spaces and special characters aren’t allowed in those symbols