JUCE Demo: Visual Studio 2013 Compiler errors

I tried to compile JUCE Demo with Visual Studio 2013 (Community version), trouble compiling. Error says: Cannot open include for window.h,  gl/Gl.h  and so many header files. Could there be a depency I am missing?

Sounds like you're missing the entire Windows SDK!

I currently get 4 errors with the latest version:

Error    1    error C3668: 'ValueTreeItem::valueTreeChildRemoved' : method with override specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods    c:\users\chuck\desktop\juce-windows\examples\demo\source\demos\valuetreesdemo.cpp    139    1    JuceDemo
Error    2    error C3668: 'ValueTreeItem::valueTreeChildOrderChanged' : method with override specifier 'override' did not override any base class methods    c:\users\chuck\desktop\juce-windows\examples\demo\source\demos\valuetreesdemo.cpp    140    1    JuceDemo
Error    3    error C2259: 'ValueTreeItem' : cannot instantiate abstract class    c:\users\chuck\desktop\juce-windows\examples\demo\source\demos\valuetreesdemo.cpp    130    1    JuceDemo
Error    4    error C2259: 'ValueTreeItem' : cannot instantiate abstract class    c:\users\chuck\desktop\juce-windows\examples\demo\source\demos\valuetreesdemo.cpp    171    1    JuceDemo


It turns out that those calls in the demo code don't match the signatures listed in the API reference.   updated them and the project compiles fine now. 



Those two ValueTree::Listener callback functions (valueTreeChildRemoved, valueTreeChildOrderChanged) were changed back in February - they got some extra parameters to pass more detailed info about exactly what changed. It was a breaking change back then. This newest version is also listed in the current API Reference.

As far as I can see, the JUCE Demo was also changed at the same time to conform to the newer API. Maybe you were trying to compile an old version of the JUCE Demo code with a newer version of the JUCE library code? Everything compiles just fine now as far as I can tell...