JUCE module include paths issue with copy module for some modules

If you only copy some of the modules which need to be modified (in this case I’m recreating the Avid AAX DSP changes to the wrapper… so I’m only copying juce_audio_basics and juce_audio_plugin_client)

You have a few locations where you have:

#include "../../juce_core/system/juce_TargetPlatform.h"

(and others)

which need to be changed to use brackets instead of quotes to use the header search path.

#include <juce_core/system/juce_TargetPlatform.h>

Can you fix this for JUCE 5.x ?



I also hope that it can be fixed on the develop branch, so I made a pull request with the necessary changes:


And now it’s on the develop branch:


Thanks @ed95!