Jucer patch

We’ve updated to a recent tip (15/3/2010, commit ID # 45c6f4c124ef5913c7cb77d3227859b5485b8928). Unfortunately the prebuilt [old] Jucer generates code that is now incompatible with the latest JUCE source. To get everything working right again, I had to modify the Jucer code in the following three places (note they all involve changing 0 to String::empty) and rebuild…

in juce/extras/the jucer/src/model/jucer_GeneratedCode.cpp, line 179, change

    parentClassLines.addTokens (parentClasses, T(","), 0);


    parentClassLines.addTokens (parentClasses, T(","), String::empty);

in juce/extras/the jucer/src/model/jucer_JucerDocument.cpp, line 132, change

    parentClassLines.addTokens (parentClasses, T(","), 0);


    parentClassLines.addTokens (parentClasses, T(","), String::empty);

finally, in /juce/extras/the jucer/src/model/paintelements/jucer_FillType.cpp, line 240, change

toks.addTokens (s, T(",:"), 0);

    toks.addTokens (s, T(",:"), String::empty);

Thanks, yes, I’d spotted those too, just haven’t done a check-in for them yet. Will do today…