Label with hypertext link inside

You could do something like this:

void arrangeLabelsHorizontally (Label& label1, Label& label2)
  label1.setBorderSize (0, 0);
  label2.setBorderSize (0, 0);
  int w = label1.getFont().getStringWidth (label1.getText());
  label2.setTopLeftPosition (label1.getBounds.getRight() + w, label1.getBounds.getY());
  label2.setSize (label2->getFont().getStringWidth (label2->getText()), label1->getBounds().getHeight());

Now call arrangeLabelsHorizontally() for each pair of labels in succession. Be sure to set the fonts and strings ahead of time. The labels will have to include their own spaces. For example, the first label will need a space at the end of the text.