Lambda Issue

I am having an issue with adding a variable to a lambda wave shaping function. I am not sure what im doing wrong. I want to use a knob to change the slope. Am I not approaching this properly?


Here is the code text:

struct MultibandDistortion
    void prepare (const juce::dsp::ProcessSpec& spec)
        waveShaper1.functionToUse = [this] (float x)
            float originalX = x;
            x = (std::tanh(x * 2.f));
            x = (x-(slope*x)) / (slope - (2.f * slope * std::abs(x)) + 1.f);
            return x;
    void reset() noexcept
    template <typename ProcessContext>
    void process (const ProcessContext& context) noexcept
        waveShaper1.process (context);
    dsp::WaveShaper<float> waveShaper1;
    float slope = 1.f;

I never used the DSP module, but after a quick look ; i guess that it can’t compile as a lambda can only be converted to a function pointer if it does not capture.

You could try also with a custom Function parameter (instead of default) for WaveShapper.

template<typename FloatType, typename Function = FloatType (*) (FloatType)>

The documentation here is not helpful either:

However, the source code for the class shows the usage of Function as this:

typename Function = FloatType (*) (FloatType)

    Function functionToUse;
    SampleType JUCE_VECTOR_CALLTYPE processSample (SampleType inputSample) const noexcept
        return functionToUse (inputSample);

You can customize this template parameter with a different type that follows the same pattern:

juce::dsp::WaveShaper<float, std::function<float(float)>> waveShaper1;

Once you do this, You’ll be able to capture this:

However, you should capture this in a juce::WeakReference, just in case the lifetime of that callable ends up being different from the lifetime of your waveshaper.
capturing this in a juce::WeakReference<> or juce::Component::SafePointer<> is just a good habit to get into.

Once you make this change to the template parameters, it’ll compile. See this godBolt as proof:

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Notice that in that case i suppose that thread safety must be properly handled.

in that case meaning?

Thanks so much Matkat!
Works like a charm!

Wouldn’t have gotten here without you (everyone should take his course, worth every penny)

Thanks Nicolas too!


Capturing this.

AFAIK the member values are reachable frrom the DSP perform and from any GUI handling at the same time. I suppose it is what the OP needs to manage saying “I want to use a knob to change the slope”.

You need to use an AudioParameterFloat to represent the slope.
retrieve the value via the atomic get() or getValue(). i can’t remember which one at the moment.

Give your class an AudioParameterFloat* member variable.
Initialize it when the class is constructed from your APVTS.

MultibandDistortion(APVTS& apvts)
    slope = dynamic_cast<juce::AudioParameterFloat*>(apvts.getParameter("Slope"));
    jassert(slope != nullptr);

you can capture the slope in the lambda like this:

waveShaper1.function = [slope = this->slope](float x)
    // 'slope' is a pointer, captured by copy.
    return x;
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this has come up several times in the forums, might be worth updating the docs to reflect this?

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