Latency between adding and playing a midi note

I’ve got it working, using the AudioTrack::Listener to identify dropped notes, as outlined above. However, I am still wondering if there would be a better way for me to approach this whole thing. I’ve been pondering something you said in another post:

It does indeed seem like I’m not respecting the boundary between the model and the playback. Rather, I have created my own model, which I am trying to synchronize with the model inside MidiClip, using addNote() and removeNote().

I’m therefore wondering if it would be possible for me to bypass the MidiClip altogether. Can I redirect the AudioTrack to read from a juce::MidiMessageSequence that I maintain independently of a MidiClip? I’m guessing that the answer is “no”, but I thought I’d check anyway.

Sorry for asking so many daft questions! I really appreciate your help though.