*** Leaked objects detected: 1 instance(s) of class CCustomMenuBarModel

Hi, everyone:

I get a problem when i setMenuBar(new CCustomMenuBarModel()) in the class MainWindow.

I create a project and define a custom class “menubarModel” , override three virtual functions :getMenuBarNames, getMenuForIndex, menuItemSelected.

when I click the button “close”, it accur error : “*** Leaked objects detected: 1 instance(s) of class CCustomMenuBarModel” jassertfalse.

I have no ideal ,anyone can help me ?


You’re leaking memory because you pass a “new” CCustomMenuBarModel object to the setMenuBar() method but it never gets deleted. Try storing your custom MenuBarModel object in a ScopedPointer in your MainWindow and then pass that to the setMenuBar() method.


Thanks for your replay, I fix my code as youu said, the memory leak problem has solved.

however ,error accur ,you can see the image:

when I setMenuBar(nullptr) in the ~MainWindow(),the exe was correct.

now i was puzzled…[quote=“ed95, post:2, topic:20433, full:true”]

You’re leaking memory because you pass a “new” CCustomMenuBarModel object to the setMenuBar() method but it never gets deleted. Try storing your custom MenuBarModel object in a ScopedPointer in your MainWindow and then pass that to the setMenuBar() method.


You can still do both, the ScopedPointer keeps ownership and destroys the instance.
But something in the background seems to reference the menubarmodel, so if you keep the setMenuBar(nullptr); in the ~MainWindow() you should be fine… You can also define the destruction sequence by calling

~MainWindow() {
    setMenuBar (nullptr);    // removes the reference to the model
    menubarModel = nullptr;  // calls implicitly delete on the ScopedPointers target instance

Thanks , you said is right and i try the method ,the question is solved.:slight_smile:

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