Logarithmic Slider for Frequencies - IIR HPF

can you explain why the pitch midpoint is calculated this way? and skew factor?

This remapping function is freakin brilliant. Where did this come from? Did you derive it? I can see that it works but am trying to get a better intuition for how to come up with something like this.

The log’s argument is a linear map from start…end to 1…2^k, so the log is 0…k, and 1/k normalises it. As you increase k, you take a longer part of the log’s domain, which increases the skew. At k=10 it’s pretty close to a freq->pitch map for the usual range (~20…20k Hz). For other ranges it may need other values of k.

By the way, the skew formula I posted above is a bad idea. ValueRemapFunction had gone over my head, so I tried to approximate with a skew factor. Now I’m using something similar to JussiNeuralDSP’s code.

NormalisableRange<float> frequencyRange (float min, float max, float interval)
    auto logMin{ std::log(min) }, logRange{ std::log(max) - logMin },
         logRangeRec{ 1.0f / logRange }, intervalRec{ 1.0f / interval };
        min, max,
        [=](float, float, float normalised) { return std::exp (normalised * logRange + logMin); },
        [=](float, float, float unnormalised) { return (std::log (unnormalised) - logMin) * logRangeRec; },
        [=](float start, float end, float value)
            return std::clamp (std::round ((value - start) * intervalRec) * interval + start, start, end);
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Awesome yeah I was wondering about the value of 10, and if that was something specific to the derivation or just sort of “as close as we can get.” Thanks!

I did a deep dive on this a couple months ago and appreciated this thread.

In case it’s useful to future visitors here’s my version with Catch2 tests and a desmos link to the math. It lets you specify how exponential you want the curve: