Need help on using File with string assignment constructor, with certain percentage, file open failure with no file exist or file size equal 0

Option 1: using stream to read in file, every time successful.
FileBrowserComponent::openMode | FileBrowserComponent::canSelectFiles,
[safeThis](const FileChooser &fc) mutable {
auto results = fc.getURLResults(); //an array of pointer to url, const Array< URL > &
if (results.size() > 0) //return how many elements
auto url = results.getReference(
0); //url Returns a direct reference to one of the elements in the array,

                    //ScopedPointer<OutputStream> wo (url.createOutputStream());  //delete automatic
                    std::unique_ptr<InputStream> wi = url.createInputStream(false);
                    if (wi != nullptr) {
                        //auto text = wi->readEntireStreamAsString();
                        auto text = wi->readEntireStreamAsString();
                        DBG ("Original text = " + text);

Option 2: using File with string assignment constructor, with certain percentage, file open failure with no file exist or file size equal 0
URL urlprint =results.getReference(0);
if (urlprint.isEmpty())
DBG(“ulr is empty!!! return to avoid crash”);
LOGD(“is this URL a file?: %d”, urlprint.isLocalFile());
DBG(urlprint.getFileName()); // this works

                String tempfilename="/sdcard/Download/"+urlprint.getFileName();

                //20201217 check filechooser return file
                //File tempfile = fc.getResult();
                File tempfile = File(tempfilename);

Any help will be appreciated