Nested FlexBox issue

I’ve trying to work out why my nested FlexBox layout is not working as I expect. I pulled out the essentials and created a PIP.

If I ignore the ButtonGroup::flexBox and use it’s buttonBox instead, all works as expected. But nesting it into another FlexBox results in a) the buttons not appearing and b) a crash when resizing the window, on juce::Point::setXY, with some crazy x and y values.

Anyone have a clue as to what I’ve missed here?

 The block below describes the properties of this PIP. A PIP is a short snippet
 of code that can be read by the Projucer and used to generate a JUCE project.


  name:             NestedFlexbox
  description:      Demo to show an issue with nested FlexBoxes

  dependencies:     juce_core, juce_data_structures, juce_events, juce_graphics, juce_gui_basics
  exporters:        vs2017, vs2019, xcode_mac


  type:             Component
  mainClass:        MyComponent



#pragma once

class MyComponent   : public Component
        addAndMakeVisible (button1);
        addAndMakeVisible (button2);
        addAndMakeVisible (button3);
        addAndMakeVisible (button4);
        addAndMakeVisible (button5);
        addAndMakeVisible (group1Label);
        addAndMakeVisible (group2Label);

        flexBox.flexDirection = FlexBox::Direction::row;
        flexBox.alignContent = FlexBox::AlignContent::stretch;
        flexBox.alignItems = FlexBox::AlignItems::stretch;


        buttonGroups.push_back({group1Label, {button1, button2, button3}});
        buttonGroups.push_back({group2Label, {button4, button5}});


        for (auto& buttonGroup : buttonGroups)
            auto groupWidth = (buttonGroup.buttonBox.items.size() * (buttonWidth + buttonMargin));

            flexBox.items.add (FlexItem (buttonGroup.flexBox)    // <-- changing this to .buttonBox works
                                       .withMargin (buttonGroupMargin)
                                       .withWidth (groupWidth)
                                       .withFlex (1, 0));

        setSize (600, 400);


    void paint (Graphics& g) override
        // (Our component is opaque, so we must completely fill the background with a solid colour)
        g.fillAll (getLookAndFeel().findColour (ResizableWindow::backgroundColourId));

    void resized() override
        flexBox.performLayout (getLocalBounds().toFloat());

    struct ButtonGroup
        ButtonGroup (Label& label, std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<TextButton>> buttons)
                :   label (label)
            buttonBox.flexDirection = FlexBox::Direction::row;
            buttonBox.alignContent = FlexBox::AlignContent::center;
            buttonBox.alignItems = FlexBox::AlignItems::center;
            flexBox.flexDirection = FlexBox::Direction::column;
            flexBox.alignContent = FlexBox::AlignContent::stretch;
            //flexBox.alignItems = FlexBox::AlignItems::center;
            for (auto button : buttons)
                buttonBox.items.add (FlexItem (button)
                                             .withHeight (buttonHeight)
                                             .withFlex (0, 0, buttonWidth)
                                             .withMargin (buttonMargin));

            flexBox.items.add (FlexItem (buttonBox)
                               .withWidth (200)
                               .withHeight (50)
                               .withFlex (0.5));
            flexBox.items.add (FlexItem (label)
                              .withFlex (0.5));


        Label& label;
        FlexBox buttonBox, flexBox;

    static constexpr int buttonHeight = 24;
    static constexpr int buttonWidth = 45;
    static constexpr int buttonMargin = 3;
    static constexpr int buttonGroupMargin = 10;

    FlexBox flexBox;
    std::vector<ButtonGroup> buttonGroups;

    TextButton button1 { "A" };
    TextButton button2 { "B" };
    TextButton button3 { "C" };
    TextButton button4 { "X" };
    TextButton button5 { "Y" };

    Label group1Label { "Group1", "Group 1" };
    Label group2Label { "Group2", "Group 2" };
