New way of adding parameters to AudioProcessorValueTreeState not sufficient for many, identical parameters

getRawParameterValue returns a float* and you’re attempting to store it in an int*.

If you want to obtain an AudioParameterInt object from an APVTS could instead do something like:

    parameters(*this, nullptr, Identifier("APVTSTutorial"),
		std::make_unique<AudioParameterFloat>("test_float",       // parameter ID
											  "test float",       // parameter name
											   0.0f,              // minimum value
											   1.0f,              // maximum value
											   0.5f),             // default value
		std::make_unique<AudioParameterInt>  ("test_int",         // parameter ID
											   "test int",        // parameter name
											   0.0f,              // minimum value
											   1.0f,              // maximum value
											   0.5f)              // default value
    intParam (*dynamic_cast<AudioParameterInt*> (parameters.getParameter ("test_int")))
    // Constructor...

    int intValue = intParam;

// Members
AudioProcessorValueTreeState parameters;
AudioParameterInt& intParam;

Tried that; same result.

Thanks. … :slight_smile:

See this post for a more comprehensive way fo doing it: