OpenGLComponent features

Interesting. But I don’t actually set GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH anywhere, so it’s not that!

Thanks for the GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES tip - but sadly, it’s actually no use - I just tried using it on my PC, which reported a huge value for it, and then crashed when I tried to use more than 256 vertices! Unbelievable.

You’re using glDrawElements, or glDrawRangeElements ?
The glGet documentation states:

                        params returns one value,
                        the recommended maximum number of vertex array vertices.
                        See glDrawRangeElements.

The GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH is just an example of a stupid requirement that’s “implied” by some driver vendors, but is not specified like this in the specification.
I guess it’s not the only case were such behaviour happens.
However, the lesson to learn is when you’re configuring something, you should unconfigure it as soon as you’re done.
Typically, never let anything outside default value leaks if not required.

Oh, no - I’m using glDrawArrays.

Can you try with glDrawRangeElement ?
glDrawArrays is OGL 1.0 while the latter is 1.2. Might be more up-to-date and tested.

Ok, thanks for the tip, I’ll have a look at that.