Overloading support

Is overloading support (for processors and functions) on the roadmap?
would be great to be able to write things like that instead of having ‘DynamicGain’, ‘FixedGain’, etc. :

processor Gain (using SampleType, float gain)
    input  stream SampleType in;
    output stream SampleType out;

    void run()
            out << in * gain;

processor Gain (using SampleType)
    input  stream SampleType in;
    output stream SampleType out;
    input  stream float gain;

    void run()
            out << in * gain;

That’s a really good point - I’ll put it in our todo list. I don’t think it’d be hard to add.

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great, thanks!
also on my wish list is support of default arguments :

processor SmoothedGainParameter (float slewRateSeconds = 0.1f)