Packet Sniffing with JUCE?

Hi :slight_smile:

I an trying to find a method of sniffing packets with juce , but no luck so far.

My question is : Does JUCE support sniffing packets ?

Thanks :smiley:

It's not something that we have any classes specifically for, and I'm not really familiar with how people would normally do that kind of thing. Surely it's something you'd do in a network driver rather than an app?

I think most apps (like wireshark) use something like to do the capture. 

Yes.  Pretty much universally on windows it's winpcap.  I seem to recall it's pretty straightforward to code for, but you might want a play with wireshark first if you aren't up to speed on the principles.   

Yes.  Pretty much universally on windows it's winpcap.  I seem to recall it's pretty straightforward to code for, but you might want a play with wireshark first if you aren't up to speed on the principles.  Â