Passing command line arguments to 'Standalone' synth on launch from command line (Windows)

This should be a simple thing - but I’m not sure the best approach…
I have a standalone/vst project that is already build/working fine - I just want the option to launch the standalone build from windows command line with a couple of arguments (a json file path, a command string).
Since I used the projucer (and JUCE 5.4) to generate the project, C++ main function is hidden away somewhere in juce_ApplicationBase - and the function main with argc/argv parameters is not active - as a build option (#if JUCE_WINDOWS && ! defined (_CONSOLE)) is active …

Presumably I could use getCommandLineParameterArray() - but wouldn’t that require enabling/defining _CONSOLE in the build? - can I enable it without breaking anything/without defining a new projucer console project?

I guess the other way is to provide a ‘input’ config file that the app will read by default on startup… but command line options would be my first choice - FYI just enabling _CONSOLE will break the build since I guess that automatically removes JUCE GUI code…