Phase delay of one pole filter?

Can anyone tell me how to calculate the phase delay of this simple one pole filter? (I HATE filter math)

Thank you.

class OnePole
		a1 = 1.0f;
		b0 = 0.0f;
		z = 0.0f;
		gain = 1.0f;
	inline void setLowPass(float freq, float sampleRate)
		jassert (sampleRate > 0.0);
		jassert (freq > 0.0 && freq <= sampleRate * 0.5);
		a1 = std::expf(-2.0f * juce::float_Pi * (freq / sampleRate));
		b0 = 1.0f - a1;
	void clear()
		z = 0.0f;
	void setGain(float g)
		gain = g;
	inline float tick(float in) noexcept
		auto x = in * gain;
		return z = b0 * x + a1 * z;
	float a1, b0, z, gain;

There you go:

Thanks, but I don’t see anything about calculating the phase delay in the paper. But then again, I’m not a filter math guy, so I just might not see (understand) it.

The upper formula is mag response, the lower one phase response :wink:


phase_delay = - phase_response / (2 * pi * frequency / sample_rate)