Plugin help, I need to pay someone

Hi all.
My post was closed in the jobs forum, but I’m looking for more than advice:

Unfortunately, I’ve gone and bid on a gig to write a plugin, and soon found myself in over my head. It shouldn’t be complicated, but the level of graphics requested is overwhelming for me. Hours turned into days. It all turned out to be nothing like the GUIs I’ve worked with.
If there’s anyone who would be available in the next few days to go over it with me and either take over, or just give me guidance, please let me know. I will pay you, and I will gladly discuss that first.

No worries, your post in jobs was automatically closed like all posts in that category. Job negotiations are then supposed after the initial post to happen via PM.

Some folks used that category to advertise their agencies, which is not the proper use of the forum.

Good luck!

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