Plugin icon? Is any DAW using these?

If you assign icons (large and/or small) in the Projucer to your plugin, i.e. for MacOS, where do these show up? Do various DAWs display these icons somehow?

I mean, I have icons assigned to my GUI App version and they work correctly; but I have assigned them now to the plugin versions and I’m wondering how to check if this is actually doing anything…

I can see that the resulting builds (on MacOS) have the .icns file included in the bundle > Contents > Resources for the .vst3 and .component files. They don’t show in the Finder, however. In real usage scenarios, can you see these somewhere?


Is anyone assigning icons to their plugins and where are they used? I don’t see them in Reaper, for example. But I don’t have a lot of DAWs to test at the moment.

At the moment, JUCE doesn’t really use the icons for plugin projects other than for standalones, so I wouldn’t expect to be able to see the icon for a JUCE plugin in any host.

I’m also not sure which hosts actually implement support for icons. If anyone is aware of hosts that support icons for plugins, I’d be interested to know!

Thanks - I assume you meant “JUCE doesn’t really use the icons for plugin projects other than for standalones…”

Yep, thanks